How is March over already? I know that other parts of the country have had a cold winter, but here in Memphis, it seems like Spring started in January and Summer started in February. Now April 1st will be here on Sunday. April 1st, as you know, is April Fool’s Day. No, really, it is (ha… ha).
Although there is nothing about this “holiday” that is Christian-related, Jon Acuff, from the ‘Stuff Christians Like” blog has put out a hilarious post about the levels of pranks that people play and the apologies that go with them. I especially like when he recommends you tell someone, “Turns out I’m dumb,” when you can’t think of anything else to say. Another good tip: start fake crying when things get really out of hand.
If you haven’t ever read Jon’s blog before, we highly recommend it.
On this April Fool’s Day, we hope everyone has a safe and relaxing day. It does fall on a Sunday, so please… no pranking your pastor.