Disruption…boy, have we all felt that this year! Our churches are used to some attendance and giving fluctuation seasonally, but this has been like nothing this generation of church leaders has seen. Many of our churches were thrust into a digital space, ready or not. This digital space is probably not temporary, either.  More messages of hope and truth are available than ever before and in more formats. Not only did delivery of the message change, but the way churches receive has changed.

Some of your churches felt the financial strain of not meeting in person more than others. Even when the doors are open full force again, giving may need to still look different. How could you use this time to encourage your givers to consider a recurring gift?

Maintaining the Mission – Let your members and donors know how the church stepped up in this time to meet the needs of your community. Be sure when you are sharing about giving, you speak from the heart of your mission. Invite them into that mission by setting up a recurring gift.

Transparency – While you speak from the heart, don’t leave out the facts and figures. The ministry also has a business side, don’t be afraid to share that nitty gritty with the congregation. When people know the need, you may be surprised what they will give to.

Biblical/doctrinal basis – Educate your congregation on your beliefs about giving. You are not trying to guilt them into giving or promise them some miracle. Simply share with them the truths you hold and where those originate. The early church was built on generosity and giving, open that experience to your members by teaching on giving.

Sensitivity – The families who attend our churches have felt this disruption, too. Some may not be able to commit to a recurring gift. Acknowledge and honor that, but don’t let that stop you from making the ask. Did you know that ShelbyNext Giving has six different frequency options? There is flexibility in recurring giving. Even if a family cannot commit all their giving to recurring, maybe they can commit some portion of it.  

As your church re-enters joining together as a body, you have an opportunity to re-introduce giving to minimize disruption in the future. The mission continues.

Did you know that ShelbyNext Giving can also be used as your payment portal for event registrations, school tuition payments, general fee payment and more through forms provided within ShelbyNext Giving. Automate the payment process as well as tight integrations to ShelbyNext Financials and ShelbyNext Membership.  

Don’t miss the opportunity to help grow your mission through automation. If you’d like more information, we have Ministry Consultants available to assist you and talk about your needs at salesreps@shelbyinc.com.