Hi – my name is
Mike Martin. I am one of the National Sales Consultants with Shelby Systems
serving the southern United States. Recently I visited with a pastor in my
territory, and he shared an amazing story with me that everyone should read.
What happened to him could occur with anyone in a leadership position in
ministry. It was very fortunate for him that he was using Shelby Financial
software or things could have turned out much differently.
Here’s the full
The church that
I visited had a Senior Pastor that, for lack of a better term, messed up. The
ministry assumed that if he could make a mistake like this one, he must also
have been stealing from the church. They felt that the Executive Pastor
must be in on it too.
So, the Finance
Committee and others looked through Shelby Financials piece by piece, document
by document, transaction by transaction.
The Executive
Pastor, who had used QuickBooks in the past, stated that Shelby saved his job
because there is a paper trail for everything in Shelby. With QuickBooks you can
delete, manipulate and tweak the numbers however you like. The documentation in
Shelby Financials Software saved him as they found nothing inappropriate in the
This Executive
Pastor is still there today, 7 years later, and is glad to be serving.
“Shelby Financial Software’s comprehensive record-keeping saved my ministry position.”
ShelbyNext Financials includes the accounting functionality churches need to properly steward their finances. As you consider various accounting software options, keep in mind that software which isn’t specifically geared towards non-profit organizations may not have all the GAAP required features that you and your auditors need. Also, if you prefer an all-in-one ChMS and accounting solution, you have the option to integrate with ShelbyNext Financials ShelbyNext Membership, Shelby Arena, or other Ministry Brands products.