MPower19 in Houston, Texas has just concluded. It was an amazing time of concentrated learning, networking and worship.
Those who stayed until the very end were rewarded with big prizes. iPads, Apple TVs, Google Homes and Alexa Shows were all handed out to grateful attendees. One Houston customer was given a special prize today just for attending locally.
At the conclusion of the closing session, the grand-prize (tickets for next year’s conference in St. Louis, MO) were won by one lucky lady.
You can see our big winner (Lisa Livingston) with Scott Goodger (Fellowship One General Manager) and Steve Pruitt (Shelby Systems General Manager) pictured above.
Thanks to all of those who worked so hard to make this year’s MPower conference a success.
Make your plans now to join us next year in St. Louis, MO for MPower20 by visiting: