If you’re looking for ways to show appreciation to those who give financially to your church or ministry, here are some ideas.

Send a thank-you card when someone signs up to give monthly. This can be something prepared in advance. The pastor and leadership staff could blanket-sign cards prior to personalization to protect the anonymity of gifts.

Send a handwritten thank-you card when memorials are received. For example, say a memorial gift is given to the church choir. Have thank-you cards available for choir members to sign.

Make sure e-giving donors receive an electronic receipt, including a message of thanks, for online gifts. This is typically a setting that can be turned on in an online giving portal.

Add a special thank-you note to the giving statement. Each year, add a statement from the pastor or church president sharing thanks. Adding a handwritten note and signature is always more effective, even if it’s a scanned image.

Tell your church’s story. Verbalize thanks. Have the pastor or church president express thanks to the congregation for their faithful stewardship each year. Share a video while telling the story of how God’s work has happened in your church and community because of the gifts of your congregation. This video could highlight special projects, mission trips, community outreach events, or church fellowship events.

Showing appreciation does not have to be an expensive process. It can happen through many different mediums — print, verbal, electronic — none of which require an expensive or flashy presentation. Overall, it’s not what the message looks like that matters. It’s what the message says.

Source: Ministry Tech


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